Monday, August 10, 2009

Julie & Julia

Julie & Julia: So I want to start on a positive note: It's great to go to the movies with a lot of people who are having a great time. Mary and I saw Julie & Julia last night and it was like a meeting of the Meryl Streep fan club. They laughed and applauded through the whole thing. The movie itself was just a machine for making money: so conventional it made my teeth hurt.

Here's another critical thought: I was thinking that I couldn't describe this movie as plot-driven. It's a "comedy of manners." Which is a theatrical term, which makes me think that if the whole thing would have worked as a play, then what (or where) was the cinema? And the answer is: maybe there's no cinema there.
I know I've seen movies that would have worked better as radio plays, with zero visual coefficient. And this is not a bad place to be: asking what is the (visual) point?

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